2009. április 9., csütörtök


"(My) memories always come back and take me by the hand
They show me where the noise has come from,
My Babel echoes back
They’ve follow me for all of my life
And that`s what keeps my world turning around

Different lovers came and went, their scars are left on me
Moans and sighs have told their tales ‘n drawn waves after me
They’ve follow me for all of my life
And that`s what keeps my world turning around

Don`t forget the dreams you cherished, keep your dreams alive
Room to room and bed to bed it doesn’t matter now
What’s follow you for all of your life
And that`s what keeps your world turning around

One day when the daylight let’s stars shine and breaks their fall
Everything comes clear and you will understand it all
What’s follow you for all of your life
And that`s what keeps your world turning around

But always there’s another, another Casanova
Long live the lover Giovanni Giacomo Casanova"

/Casanova Night Musical/

Premier: ápr. 26.

2009. április 8., szerda


"A szív lassú halállal hal,a remény úgy száll el, mint a falevelek, míg egy nap egy sem marad. Nincs remény. Semmi sem marad."
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