First i would like to start with the role of the band in my life.
First the were just a band with quite good music, than better and better, now the best (ranked Guano Apes - it was quite hard). So i dicided that i will pay my ticket and the travelling just to see this band, no matter how, when and where. Prague was chosen.
Now a little about the album: someone asked me why this Jared boy want so much to fight, why this is war. 'Don't u understand?' Politics, wars, fucking stupid people, cheating, television... Some critics said that it was too pathetic and boring. For me: it makes me fly high, forget everything and gives me strenght. So thx for this album.
Now Prague.
Fantastic, hardly believe what happened. First we met Shannon and Bob (maybe manager or bodyguard, i don't know) on the streets of Prague. It was the first time i met someone famous, someone from a great band, from my fav band. So i was fucking nervous and almost peed my pants. But i could say some words, we took a picture with Shannon and i was the happiest person in that moment.
Later we found the Incheba Arena, went in and there was hundreds of people. So we chose a not so good place when the first band was playing. The second band finished too, we waited almost an hour for the start and then...the best concert of my fucking entire life.

Escape and Night of the hunter. Jared was like a bomb, full of energy, and the audience too. Song after song, Attack, From yesterday, This is war, Hurricane, Alibi, A beautiful lie, but the best was The fantasy and The Kill. I waited the moment when Jared starts to climb on something and so he did during The Kill...like a little spidermonkey (twilight rulz). Hurricane and Alibi were so nice and the most pathetic moments were during L490. It was so relaxing and simple, i just didn't see anything. :D
So the whole concert was the perfect concert of my dreams and what i waited for from this band. The only bad things was that i couldn't believe that i was there. And at the end:
Before Kings&Queens Jared said they needed 10 person on the stage...i didn't understand anything and the next moment i was on the top of the crowd (thx to my drummer)...it was my very first bodysurf, i wore miniskirts, almost lost my telephone, but after half a minute one of the bodyguards helped me...i was standing in front of the stage...i was looking at the stage than looked at the bodyguard who showed the direction...go on to the stage...i moved very slowly, i didn't believe that in half i minute i will be on the stage with the Mars. I went on, tried to make a good photo of Jared and Shannon (didn't see poor Tomo), then i looked at Shannon, he looked at me, gave me a genuine smile (OMFG, he recognized me) and started to play.

I sang Kings&Queens as loud as i could. Then it was the finish, the bdyguards was holding back the fans, i was just standing there watching how they protect the guys, and the next moment was unforgettable: Jared was leaving the stage and started to wave to us with the smile of 12-year-old kid who saw his very best friends after months. It was hard to believe how he loves his audience.

Than i found my partner, we went out and waited for someone to came to give autographs. It was Shannon. Poor guy, everyone used flash lights, he mumble something about it. :D I hardly gave him my tickets for an autograph and he recognized me again (OMFG), and asked me how's going, or something like this, but i couldn't believe that he knew who i was, so i answered two little words: fine, thx. :D Funny things happen. :)
So this was The Experience, full of joy. Thx Shannon for the patience and thank you guys for this concert. Go on and rock on, hopefully i can see u again sometimes. You gave unforgettable moments, and that's why i this fucking sentimental.

p.s.: here's the video which recorded tha smile for me (i behave like a little girl, but who cares? i love these guys and respect them so much!) :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfBo7VM_qp0 at 1:00.
so fuck everyone! :) Love!